Content Access Channels


  • WAP portal development
  • Bulk messaging services
  • WAP Push
  • Mobile VAS 
  • - SMS, 
  • - MMS, 
  • - Ringtones – Monotones, Polytones, Truetones
  • - Ring Back Tones(RBTs)
  • - Music Downloads
  • WAP
  • USSD Like Applications
  • IVR (RobotCall)


  • Bulk messaging services – Enhanced from Mobile
  • Web portal development & management
  • Contents Management Systems (CMS)
  • Interactive media
  • Web advertising

We integrate both mobile, Radio & TV media on one platform. It is intended to create interactive sessions between Radio/TV programs and phone users in real time. SMS messages sent by a subscriber can be streamed during a TV program while radio listeners can send comments or make song requests.This increases audience participation with many contributions per program.
This Interactivity helps media stations in gathering real time information on their viewer-ship. We attracts sponsors and advertisers who can place their ads & banners on TV.

  • TV contents provision and production
  • SMS-to-TV
  • Promos and Competitions
  • Radio - Radio jingles

Subscription services

  • SMS Services: our informational and content SMS service are design to be social, cultural, educational, informational and entertaining all design to fit individual lifestyle. 
  • Enterprise Contents: our enterprise contents are designed to help business and individual that important information.
  • IVR: our Interactive voice response is tailored to our large database of client. RobotCall

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